Following Your Laser Treatment
Do Not:
- Rub/scratch/traumatize laser treated areas.
- Ingest Aspirin containing medication or alcohol for 2 weeks following treatment.
Things to Remember
- You may apply makeup to the treated area as long as no scabbing or breaks in the skin occur after 24 hours. Remove makeup gently and carefully with Cetaphil or Aquanil on a cotton ball. No rough gauze, washcloths, or abrasive cleansers.
- Call immediately if there is pus or any other suggestion of infection.
- Keep all treated areas protected by sunscreen, makeup with added sunscreen, or clothing. This will prevent sun damage of already treated areas and tanning of areas schedule for future treatment. Tan skin blocks entry of laser light into the skin and makes treatment more difficult.
Care of Laser-Treated Site
- If scabbing or breaks in the skin occur, or you have purpura (purple areas) gently apply Aquaphor or Bacitracin ointment to the laser treated area twice a day with a Q-tip until discoloration disappears (usually 7-10 days).
- If the laser treatment was done on a young child or an infant, protect laser treated area with antibiotic ointment and cover with a Telfa or Telfa-like dressing at all times until blue-purple discoloration disappears. This is particularly important for children in areas which are likely to be traumatized.
- You may shower, but gently "dab" the area dry. Do not rub the area with a towel or washcloth.
- If stinging or burning bothers you, place a cool, damp washcloth over the site and change it every five to ten minutes as desired. Tylenol may be taken as needed.
- If you have questions to concerns please contact our office.