Following Your Laser Treatment
Post-Treatment Instructions for Pearl Laser Treatment
- Apply Aquaphor or plain Vaseline to treated areas 3-4 times a day or more if needed to maintain a continuous layer on your skin for the first 3-4 days.
- Be sure to thoroughly wash your hands prior to touching your face.
- Do not put ANY other creams, ointments or products of any kind on your face until you are told it is okay to do so.
- Do not pick, rub, scrub or irritate your skin in any way while healing.
- You can leave the Aquaphor or Vaseline ointment on and soak the treated area with a clean soft cloth and the following solution: 1 teaspoon of plain white vinegar to 2 cups of water. This solution may be mixed up ahead of time and kept in the refrigerator.
- Washing at least twice daily with a mild non-soap cleanser such as Cetaphil can be done in place of soaks.
- Apply a layer of Aquaphor or Vaseline ointment to the treated area immediately after soaking. If the skin gets dry or scabbed you need to soak more often.
- Skin may be red for the first 3-7 days or longer and then turn darker as the skin begins to slough (peel).
- Edema (swelling) may also occur. Sleeping on 2 pillows with your head elevated is helpful.
- The skin will usually start sloughing on day 3 or 4. Do not pick at it but allow skin to slough off on its own.
- It is okay to shower but do not let the shampoo or hair products get on the face. Do a soak after the shower followed by Aquaphor or Vaseline.
- It is normal for skin to feel "sunburned" and/or tight.
- Ibuprofen or acetaminophen may be used if needed.
- Do not expose your skin to the sun. Remember UVA light passes through the house and car windows.
- Make-up may be worn after the majority of skin has sloughed usually day 4 or 5.
- You can resume use of your regular cleanser/moisturizers after sloughing is complete.
- The use of sunscreen with a high SPF of 20 or greater is very important after sloughing to maintain results and help prevent post inflammatory hyperpigmentation (darker areas).
- An increased sensitivity or irritation to anything that comes in contact with your skin such as detergents, fabric softeners or dryer sheets in pillowcases, sheets and clothes may occur.
- If you experience itching, an over the counter antihistamine such as Benadryl (diphenhydramine) may be helpful.
- Please call the office 410-580-2880 if you experience increased pain, drainage, severe redness or fever, increased itching, the appearance of a cold sore, blister or a similar tingling sensation, or if at any time you feel that you are not healing normally.